Four Free Web Site Promotion Tools that Will Bring You Tons of Site Traffic


It continues to amaze me how so many web site owners out there still pay huge bucks to web site promotion companies to do most of the promotional work for their on line business that the web site owners should be doing themselves for free. By applying just a few of the following techniques to their overall web site promotion weekly schedule, any web site owner that is open for business today should be able to attract as many new viewers to his site as he should ever need.


The first thing you need to do involving this excellent free marketing tool is to find a site that is very similar to your own. For example, if you have a site that sells PS3 and X-Box 360 video games, you should search out every video game website that reviews and previews the games that you will be eventually selling. Then you can sign up as a member on the web site’s forum board and invite the video game fans that read that message board to complete a survey in which you will give them a discount on any video game of their choice after completing the five minute questionnaire.

This is a definite win-win equation because the survey taker will get a discount on his next video game purchase, and you have just landed a new customer and viewer to your web site. The posters who will read about this survey taker’s dealings with your company will also pay a visit to your site because they too will want that free discount which will allow you to grown your overall subscription customer base exponentially in the coming months which makes conducting various surveys in your own specific market such a great web site promotion tool.


One of the most powerful web site promotion tools that happens to be free of charge is linking your site up with a much larger one that can bring their customers to your site. You should always be looking for web sites that deal with your exact product or service so you can e-mail the webmaster or web site owner and ask them to link to your site if you can link to their site.

Some web site owners feel that they are already way too popular to give a reciprocal link to yours just because they don’t need the aggravation of going to your site and analyzing your web pages content, so don’t take it too personal when some of them turn you down. But you should be able to find plenty who will, so as soon as possible you should go do a Google search using your keyword description of your site and contact the top thirty web sites on Google’s search pages and start querying the web site owners today so you can harness the power that this great web site promotion technique will bring to your site.


Even if you can’t put two sentences together so you can write and submit articles about your subject matter on your site, you definitely should hire someone who can, otherwise you are missing out on garnering the best targeted web site traffic available on the world wide web today. When you submit an article to a submission service which will then blast your article to hundreds of sites that are hungering for great content, you must include your web site’s URL which will allow your article viewers to visit your web site en masse. Just make sure your articles have great and pertinent content embedded in them to allow this web site promotion tool to work best for you.


A nice and subtle approach using this web site promotion technique is the best one. A good example would be if you own a web site that covers the exciting world of car customization. Just start a Google search using the keywords “car customization sites” and then sign up on the most popular sites that you feel will reach the best target audience for your site.

You can then strike up conversations on line about the various companies that make new car accessories for Nissan, Honda and Toyota and also leave your web site’s URL in every posting that you have generated. Don’t hit people over the head with describing your web site in “hard sell” language though. Just include a slight description of what the car customizer enthusiast might find appealing about your site without acknowledging that your are the site owner.

Along with these four free great web site promotion techniques, you should also make it a daily habit to seek out advanced promotional tool software that many web sites will happily give you for free, thus ensuring your online business success story will be a happy one.

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