Using Social Bookmarking Effectively To Get More Targeted Prospects

Social bookmarking is part of a well planned network marketing strategy. It is one easy method you can use to grow your web of content and grow social credibility among the network marketing industry.

Social bookmarking strategy is great; however, if misused, it can really hurt you instead of help you in your network marketing business. We’ll talk about this in a moment.

Social Bookmarking for Network Marketing

It is very important to have your website rank in the first pages of Google for your targeted keywords so that you are found by targeted prospects looking for your service or product.

If you don’t come up on the first pages of Google or other search engines, it will be really difficult to get traffic to your site. The higher your ranking, the easier it will be to get free targeted traffic to your website.

To rank higher on the search engines, you need to have a lot of links pointing to your website and this is where social bookmarking sites can help you a lot if you know how to use them correctly. So what things are right and, what are wrong when using social bookmarking sites?

Using Social Bookmarking Effectively

The first important thing to consider here is to be social and to be a person who brings quality content to the community. Quality content can be content you create, but it can also be content other network marketers create that gives value to the community.

If you start bookmarking only your content you will be classified as a spammer and someone only interested in selling or pitching his business. Even if your content holds value, it’s not a good move to bookmark only your stuff.

In attraction marketing, it is very important to give and provide something good before can have what you want. Remember that helping others, and promoting their work, will get you the same treatment back from them. So, it’s very important to bookmark content from other network marketers that are in your niche market too.

Now let’s consider why it’s a good idea to use social bookmarking in network marketing. There are a lot of bookmarking sites on the net, but you can work only on the most important ones, like Digg, Delicious, Stumble it, Reddit, Furl, Sphinn, or others that you like.

All your bookmarks can be seen by others, and they can benefit from them. When they find something useful that you’ve bookmarked, they can bookmark it too, and create more incoming links to your website.

Creating more incoming links to your website, makes it rank high on the search engines, and therefore, will get you free targeted traffic. And we’re just considering the traffic you’re getting only from being on the first page of Google. Now think about the traffic you can get from the social bookmarking sites as well if you’re bookmarking interesting stuff with value that the community can see and share.

Social bookmarking is a smart strategy for any network marketing business, and if you’re consistent and take the time to bookmark interesting sites and articles, you will see great results and your business will grow more.

There is another important thing to consider when bookmarking. You have to consider what regular people do on bookmarking sites, and act as one of them. And by regular people, I mean people that are not there for business purposes.

Regular people bookmark stuff they are interested in. It can be something related to health, sports, music, entertainment, or science. They don’t stick to just one category and bookmark stuff from that category only.

They act in a “normal” way, which means, everything they do is natural and not forced or directed to a certain goal. Sometimes as network marketers, we forget about our other interests. This is something you don’t want to forget on social bookmarking sites.

Act as a normal person would; act naturally. And don’t only bookmark stuff related to business. Certainly there are a lot of interests you have, so share them with the community too!

This is what makes social bookmarking effective. Just act naturally, bookmark stuff not related to business. Just be you! And every now and then, bookmark stuff related to business. I suggest bookmarking one business related site or content for every 4-6 sites that have nothing to do with business.

Taking the time to find interesting stuff on the net to bookmark takes time, so maybe you can pay someone to do this work for you. It’s also very important to delegate the easy but time consuming tasks to others, while you concentrate on the things that need more focus and hard work.

Since there are a lot of social bookmarking sites, there are also some social bookmarking services. They make it easy to bookmark a website to a lot of bookmarking sites at the same time. But this comes with a problem. It leaves trails.

When you use social bookmarking services, your website will be bookmarked on a lot of important bookmarking sites, and after you do this a bunch of times, Google and the bookmarking sites, notice the strange behavior, and you’ll be considered a spammer, which can lead to your account being banned from the social bookmarking sites.

Google also notices and punishes you by giving you a low rank on your website. A lot of people don’t know this and they get damaged for using social bookmarking services. So be sure to keep this in mind. If you act in a natural way, you can gain more, than if you try to use shortcuts to get your content bookmarked faster and easily.

If you follow these strategies, and you are consistent, you can grow your web of content in a solid and strong way.

Social Bookmarking is a powerful strategy to use for growing your network marketing business. Just keep in mind what you can do, and what you can’t.

Here are some bookmarking tips:

Don’t spam
Bookmark websites that are not related to business
Bookmark websites in a natural way
Bookmark other’s stuff as much as yours
Focus on 5-10 important bookmarking sites
Be social and add friends so that they benefit from your bookmarks too
Bookmark quality content
When bookmarking the same website or article to a lot of bookmarking sites, be careful not to leave trails
Change the title and description of the link on every bookmarking site
Dedicate a few minutes each day to bookmark interesting content on different social bookmarking sites
If you can, pay someone to do this work for you
Leave comments to the stuff you bookmark, let others know what you think about it
If you’re using Mozilla Firefox as your web browser, you can download Shareaholic, a plugin that will help you bookmark websites to some bookmarking sites. Just be sure to change the routine of your bookmarking and don’t do it the same way always. Don’t leave trails, these are just tools, use them correctly.

Melissa Dominguez is a professional network marketing coach that teaches other network marketers how to grow their business using attraction marketing, social marketing, SEO, list building strategies, blogging strategies, copywriting skills and more

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